
Eagle Christian Fellowship of Canada

The Eagle CFC 

The Eagle CFC (Eagle Christian Fellowship of Canada) is a registered Canadian charity founded to support the vision, goals and mission of the organization in all aspects. Our Leadership comprises the directors, the secretary of the board, and Committee members. Eagle CFC was formed to serve as an umbrella under which all sub committees could function. The board and Executive Committee  is presently structured with different portfolios to perform different activities to keep our goals strong and results-based.

The Board and THE Committee

  • Joel A Joseph (Board)
  • Victor Sellakandu (Board)
  • Gabriel Jeevanayagam (Board)
  • Shirani Vijendira (Secretary)
  • Clement Vadivelu (Global Missions)
  • Greg Rajkumar (Special Projects)
  • Ronald Solomons (Events)
  • Vino Gulasekharam (Choir)
  • Grace Mullings (Choir)
  • Shevin Joseph (Drama)
  • Eban Gnanendran (Band)
  • Abisha Vignabalan (Social Media)
  • Andrew Jeevanayagam (Bookkkeeping)
  • Shamini Joseph (Music)
Eagle Christian Fellowship of Canada

The Scope

  • Governance
  • Finance
  • Marketing
  • Development (fundraising)
  • Information technology
  • Program development
  • Administration

Our Specialization

The board meets periodically for strategic planning, program development, and decision making. They are also committed to establishing the financial capacity so that TEC is able to realize its artistic potential at all levels. The Eagle CFC Board is a dedicated group of individuals associated with various Church memberships & leadership. They endeavor to work with the set goals to realize the dreams of TEC's creative vision.

The board brings a wealth of business experiences from small business entrepreneurship, project management, professional accounting & audit to banking and administration. The primary focus of Eagle CFC is to develop community outreach programs that not only exhibit the artistic talents and experiences of the volunteers but also promote and encourage education, knowledge, and training in the school of arts and theology.

Eagle Christian Fellowship of Canada

Awards & Recognitions

Each year, the board releases two scholarship awards to students at St. John's College, Jaffna, Sri Lanka, and Chundikuli Girls' College, Jaffna, Sri Lanka. These awards are in memory of David Gulasekharam (24), who tragically died in 2012, and Naomi Sabapathypillai (17), who died after a brief illness in 2012. David was a Drummer for TEC, while Naomi was a singer and acted in Love Story sequels with the Toronto Eagle Chorus since she was 8 years of age.

The Purpose

An ancillary purpose to the primary purpose is that funds that are determined to be surplus from public concerts connected with advancing the primary purpose will relieve other areas in poverty. It is achieved by providing the basic necessities of life to those in need due to low income or as a result of a disaster.

In summary, the board & the Committee works together to ignite a passion for a better tomorrow.

"United to serve with love, humility, and strength to bring us to places we have never been and do what we have never done". - Joel A Joseph


Eagle Christian Fellowship of Canada